Green Human Resource Management


GHRM is another idea and is getting well known everywhere on the world. it has various implications to various individuals. There is no exhaustive meaning of GHRM. 
It refers to making efforts to improve energy efficiency or reduce the pollution produced by our home, business, and general living habits.
The main purpose of going green is to reduce the potential negative impact that energy consumption and pollution can have on the environment.

What is Green HRM?

The term Green HRM has become the popular expression inside the business field as of now and its significance is expanding complex with the progression of time. This term has additionally its made sure about situation as an intriguing issue in ongoing examination works since the mindfulness on natural administration and practical advancement has been progressively rising day by day all round the globe. Today the theme Green HRM incorporates mindfulness toward natural issues, yet in addition represents the social just as affordable prosperity of both the association and the workers inside a more extensive possibility.

Before proceeding further, first of all we take up the question, “what is Green HRM?” Different authors have given different definitions for this term such as

“Green HRM is the use of HRM policies to promote the sustainable use of resources within organizations and, more generally promotes the causes of environment sustainability” (Marhatta & Adhikari, 2013)

GHRM is straightforwardly dependable in making green labor force that comprehends, acknowledges and rehearses Green aactivities and keep up its green goals all through the HRM cycle of selecting, recruiting, training, compensating, developing and adcancithe firms human resources.(Mathapati, 2013) 

It refers to the policies, practices, and systems that make employees of the organization green for the benefit of the individual, society, natural environment, and the business (Opatha& Arulrajah,2014)

Need for GHRM?

Most recent twenty years of this century have seen a consistent agreement for the need of a realistic environmental management drive everywhere on the world. This exertion was embraced since the harming impacts of various pollutants among which the industrial wastes being the significant offender that has been crumbling and exhausting our characteristic assets exceptionally quick has been obvious. The Green HRM literature is largely a western one and, given the importance of Asian economic development for environmental management.

BenafIts of GHRM.

1. It helps in employee retention and reduced labour turnover.
2. It improves the brand reputation of a company in the market and can possiblyil increase sales. 
3. It increase the quality of the overall organization both internally and ecternally. 
4. It improves stakeholder's engagement. 
5. It reduces the overall costs of a company as it gets more efficient regarding the use of energy, water and raw materials. 
6. It provides a competitive advantage to the ccompanies in the industry as wellas in the market. 
7. It stimulates innovation because employees are committes to improving their companies'growth and the improvement of procedures and methods. 
8. It helps to manage risks more effectively. 

Drawbacks of GHRM.
1. Initial cost-Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of going green is that it often requires a high initial cost. 
2. Inadequate savings- The aim of going green in many cases, such as building an energy-efficient home or purchasing a hybrid vehicle is to reduce environmental impact while saving money in the long term. (the savings generated by going green are often less than expected)
3. Increased capital outlays- Some green conversions require an initial cash outlay that decreases the firm's bottom-line performance while the investment is paying for itself. This can decrease the earnings or annual profits of a firm.

All in all, it is not a hidden fact that human resource is the most important asset of an organization that plays an important role in managing the employees. At the moment, the recent increased trend of corporate focus on greening the business, the modern HR managers have been assigned with additional responsibility of incorporating the Green HR philosophy in corporate mission statement along with HR policies. Changes in corporate perspectives related to the environmental initiatives can be seen in written policy statements, environmental job titles, marketing strategies, capital investments, auditing practices, new product design and development, and production processes. 
Green process and policies are now making their way through within the HR space complementing the existing green practices and initiatives. Green HR efforts have resulted in increased efficiencies, cost reduction, employee retention, and improved productivity, besides other tangible benefits. 
Christmann & Taylor, 2002, Shrivastava & Berger, 2010, Wirtenberg, Harmon, Russell & Fairfield, 2007, green HRM; Definition, Advantages, Green HRM practices, policies (online), Available at-,%2C%20teleconferencing%2C%20and%20virtual%20interviews%2C  (Accessed on 05th December 2020)
Marhatta & Adhikare,2013, Mathapati 2013, Opatha& Arulrajah 2014
Molin-Azorin, Claver-Cortes, Pereire_Mliner,& Tari,2009,Sharfman& Feernando2008



  1. Green HRM is an integration of environmental management into Human Resources Management.

    1. The term GHRM is mostly used to refer to the contribution of HRM policies and practices towards the broader corporate environmental agenda. It refers to using every employee to support sustainable practices and increase employee awareness and commitments on the issues of sustainability.

  2. Construct a philosophy of posses responsibility for the protection, comfort and health of fellow workers can be taken as a benefit of Green Human Resource Management.

    1. Management practices is known as green human resource management processes through which grm influence employee workplace behaviour ghrm and creative Awareness of how employees behaviour can be benefits of adopting green human resource management software ability initiatives and investigate how ghrm

  3. This is new to me. this is very useful article. keep going

  4. Green HRM is a very good management theory that people will allow achieving targets with the support to friendly environments thinking

    By following this, can we achieve our targets effectively?

    1. Yes, it helps in achieving higher employee job satisfaction and commitment, which leads to higher productivity and sustainability.

  5. Would traditional managers be willing to adapt to this system?

    1. Develop in a new organisation culture through ji HRM practices become a manager concern develop in a green culture can affected employees and when training and educating traditional management they can become a ghrm managers.

  6. The objective of this article is to explore green human resource management practices of
    organisations based on the existent literature. In this emerging field, it has been generally
    observed that the existent literature has to be extended further from the perspective of
    functions of Human Resource Management (HRM). It reveals that much of the past research
    focused on a few functions of HRM such as recruitment, training and development,
    performance evaluation and reward management in integrating environmental management
    with HRM though HRM has more potential and scope in improving organisation’s
    environmental performance.
    Go through this we can identify clearly what are based on this.

    1. Absolutely true,
      Improved employee moral strong public image increase consumer confidence employee loyalty and brand recognition position as an employer of choice increased workforce productivity efficiency motivation and employee retention a few of the many advantages and benefits and Organisation can have by

  7. The term green HRM is mostly used to refer to the contribution of HRM policies and practices towards the broader corporate environmental agenda.It refers to using every employee to support sustainable practices and increase employee awareness and commitments on the issue of sustainability.


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