Green Reward Management.

 What is Green reward management?

With the increase of green businesses, reward systems also have to align with the new approach. The concept of reward should be extended to the point that an organisation needs to redesign the work so as to give employees the opportunity to perform well and find a meaning in what they do.

Green reward management is another key function of green HRM. The sustainability of organisation‟s environmental performance is highly dependent on the green reward management practices of the organisations. To motivate managers and non-managerial employees on corporate environmental management initiatives, green reward management has significant contributions. Organizations can practice it in two ways such as financial and non-financial. In some companies employees are financially (e.g. incentives, bonuses, cash) rewarded for their good environmental performance. In some other companies, employees are non-financially rewarded (awards/special recognition /honors/prizes) for their good environmental performance.

1. Rewarding employee environmental performance (good/excellent                     and extraordinary).

2. Financially rewarding for employee good environmental performance

3. Non-financially rewarding for employee good environmental performance

4. Team excellence awards for better environmental performance

5. Introducing rewards for innovative environmental initiative/performance.

6. Communicating employee environmental excellence.

7. Providing incentives to encourage environmentally friendly activities                and behaviors (e.g. recycling and waste management).

8. Rewarding for green skills acquisition.


Woods, (1993), In Milliman, J., and Clair, J. (1996), “Best Environmental HRM Practices in the USA”, In Wehrmeyer, W., (eds), (1996), Greening People - Human Resources and Environmental Management, First Edition, Sheffield, England: Greenleaf Publishing


  1. Is it possible to have financial management by using this method?

    1. Organisations can practice in two ways such as financial and non-financial in some companies employees are financially intensive bonus cash rewards from their good environmental performance

  2. Can we do all the HR functions based on green concept?

    1. We can't do all business transactions based on green concept but lots of companies tend to acquire theses concepts to their organisation because know the benefits of going green.

  3. A very good concept to do in practically...

    1. Yes, that's why large amount of companies tend to accept this concept

  4. Green reward management focuses to acknowledge the benefaction of employees in the formation of an organization that is sustainable through extensive publicity and admiration of sustainability attempts.

  5. Implementation of a system of financial and non financial rewards for employees with a distinct potential to contribute to environmental management. In here clearly discuss about some practices of Green Rewards Management.


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