What is Green Recruitment?


Green recruitment is the process of hiring candidates with knowledge, skills, approaches, and behaviors that identify with environmental management systems within an organization.

In general, environment concerned companies have their own environmental policy framework. In materializing the established environmental policies, companies need environmentally oriented workforce. In creating environmental oriented workforce,companies have two options: First is focusing on green recruitment. Second is providing required environmental protection related awareness, education, training and development to the existing workforce. The first option is more proactive and cost effective than the second option. Hence, searching best green recruitment practices is important to organizations. In the recruitment context, what some companies are doing is that they integrate corporate environmental policy and strategies with the recruitment policy of the company. A survey by the British Carbon Trust confirms that most of the employees (more than 75%) considering working for an organisation perceived it as important that they have an active environmental policy to reduce carbon emissions (Clarke, 2006).

On the other hand, potential employees also search and want to work in the environmental concerned organizations. In United Kingdom environmental issues have an impact on organizations‟ recruitment efforts, and according to a survey high-achieving graduates judge the environmental performance and reputation of a company as a criterion for decisionmaking when applying for job vacancies (Wehrmeyer, 1996; Oates, 1996). The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) believe in that becoming a green employer may improve employer branding, company image and is a useful way to attract potential employees who have environmental orientation (CIPD, 2007). Attracting environmentally aware talent might be facilitated by pro-active branding of the organization as a high-quality “green employer of choice” (Renwick et al, 2008; Jackson et al, 2011). Increasingly, firms are beginning to recognize that gaining a reputation as a green employer is an effective way to attract new talent (Phillips, 2007; Stringer, 2009).

    1. Indicating or making transparent about organisation‟s environmental n                      performance (past and current) when communicating reruitment messages.
    2. Becoming a green employer or green employer of choice
    3  Including environmental criteria in the recruitment messages.
    4  Communicating the employer‟s concern about greening through recruitment
    5  Reflecting environmental policy and strategies of the organisation in its
        recruitment policy.
    6  Expressing certain environmental values (e.g. be a part of the green team of
        ABC.. or we are a socially and environmentally responsible employer) in the
        job advertisements of the company.
    7  Expressing the preference of the organisation to recruit candidates who have
        competency and attitudes to participate in corporate environmental
        management initiatives too in the recruitment message


Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) (2007), The environment and people management, Discussion web page. 

Clarke, E. (2006), Power Brokers, People Management, 18th May, pp. 40-42.

Phillips, L. (2007), Go Green to Gain the Edge over Rivals, People Management, 23rd
August, p.9.

Renwick, D.W.S. Redman, T. and Maguire, S. (2008), Green HRM: A Review, Process
Model, and Research Agenda, University of Sheffield Working Paper.



  1. Green Recruitment means a paper-free recruitment process with a minimal environmental impact. It is sharing of the company's unswerving commitment towards the cause of environment with the candidates whom they are trying to hire.

    1. The smartest business decisions you can make is so higher qualified people bringing the right people on board save you thousands and your business will run smoothly and effectively application are invited to online mediums like email online application forms of the Global talent pool if possible telephone or video bought interviews are conducted to minimise and travel related environmental impact.

  2. In the modern technology green recruitment is top need.

    1. Yes , there are generally five stages of the recruitment process, regardless of company size or needs. ( planning, strategy development, searching, screening, evaluation)

  3. Here not using paper articles, only used internet link

    1. While the environmental benefits of going paperless may not be entirely clear just yet it certainly carries cost savings for companies

  4. Is green recruitment happening in the world right now?

    1. Yes,
      Yes green recruitment is the process of hiring candidates with knowledge and effective and efficient on the stand in awe of the same of the Global in the same way that corporate word today have started

  5. in my view this green recruitment method is the most suitable one.

    1. Absolutely true,
      Green recruitment is the process of hiring candidates with knowledge skill approaches and behaviour that are identified with environmental management system with an organisation

  6. Promoting the concept of "Green recruitment" will be a very attractive method when advertising the employment opportunities in an organizations as well as conducting business promotion programs.

    1. Yes,
      Advertising vacancies hiring conduct in job interviews for form in these factors play a big part on whether the recruitment process will be after all it is just like any other business process

  7. Replies
    1. If the process is automated without paper candidates know you have taken the proper step to enable Green recruiting

  8. The activities of either internal or external recruitment show company's preference for candidates committed to the environment.

    1. Green reward implementation of a system of financial and non financial rewards for employees within distinct potential to contribute to environmental management


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